Voice Communication and Sound System
The Voice Communication and Sound System is a tool developed in collaboration with air traffic controllers that offers a smooth, clear, and reliable life-like environment in which to simulate controlled communications between air traffic controllers, pilots, and other personnel.
Automated Weather Observing System
The Automated Weather Observing System (AWOS) provided by ATMIS AiO is a cutting-edge tool, developed in collaboration with air traffic controllers, that offers continuous real-time information and reports (METAR / SPECI) on the simulated airport weather conditions.
Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System
The Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS), developed in collaboration with air traffic controllers, is a system that provides a realistic simulation of routing, guidance, and surveillance for the control of aircraft and vehicles, on a designated surface movement area, in a controlled safe environment.
Airfield Lighting Control and Monitoring System
The AIRFIELD LIGHTING CONTROL AND MONITORING SYSTEM (ALCMS) is a system developed in collaboration with air traffic controllers, that grants ATC control, using an intuitive HMI, over all the airfield lighting systems at the simulated airport.
Electronic Flight Strips System
The ELECTRONIC FLIGHT STRIPS SYSTEM (EFSS) is a realistic replica of a system that provides a virtual accurate representation of the traditional flight progress strips.
The development of electronic flight strip systems (EFSS) involves collaboration with active Air Traffic Controllers to ensure that it meets the specific needs and requirements necessary during the ATC training process.